Tuesday, February 23, 2021

What is Data model and discusss its three Models

Data Model:

* An abstract representation of entities, activities, and their association.

Purpose of Data model: 

The first to represent data and the second that it should be understandable.

Hierarchical Data Model:

*In the Hierarchical Data Model records stored in tree form, where the lower record is called a child and the higher record is called the parent.

  1. In the Hierarchical Data Model, the top position is called the ROOT record.
  2. There is no relation occurs among child records. 

Network Data Model:  (flexible than H. Data Model)

* In-Network Data Model the records are stored in the form of a graph.

  1. Here Child node can have more than one parent and similarly, parents can have more child records.
  2. In-Network Data Model, a child record has more parents and so-called members.
  3. In-Network Data Model, a parent record has more parents and a so-called owner.


Relation Data Model: (flexible than both of the above Data Models)

* In the Relation Data Model, records are stored in the form of a table (relations ), consist of rows and columns.

  1. Rows are called tuples and columns are attributes.
  2. They need the least training to understand its Data structure.
  3. Records can easily be inserted deleted and modified.


    Date is the Latin plural form of Datum. A collection of facts and figures is called data and anything in raw form is called data. The data cannot be used to make decisions or take action. For example: name, address, phone number, phone number, job title number, etc. These raw documents include the student's name, father's name, badge, etc. 

What is database?

    Definition A database is an integrated collection of data that is shared by all

    Euplai (2014) organizational users. It is a large collection of data in a computer system, organized so that it can be rapidly expanded, updated, and retrieved for different users. In a database management approach, data records are consolidated into a database that can be accessed by many different application programs. An important software package called a database management system (DBMS) serves as the software interface between users and the database. This makes it easier for users to access records in the database. Thus, database management involves the use of database management software to control how databases are created, queried, and maintained to provide the information needed by the end user and their organization.

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