Tuesday, March 23, 2021

What are Basic Keyboard Commands in Linux | Most Important Keyboard Commands in Linux

 Following are Basic Linux Commands

Clear Command:  

    This command clears your terminal screen if possible

General Format: $ clear and press <Enter>

pwd Comand:

    It displays the full path of your present working directory.

Format: $ pwd

cd Command: 

    It changes the current working directory.

    -change working directory

    -change to last previous working directory

    -use a string 

General Format: $ chid/dr-

              $ cd[directrory]

mkdir Command: 

    The external mkdir command makes a new directory

General Format: $ mkdir [-m mode] [-p] directory_list

rmdir Command: 

    The external rmdir command removes a directory. But the Directory must be empty

General Format : [-ps] directory_List

cp Command: 

    The external cp command copies a file.It reads the content of a file and creates anew file or overwrites an existing file.

General Format: 

  1. $cp [-ipr] source_file dest_file
  2. $cp [-ipr] source_file dest_directory
  3. $cp [-ipr] source_directory_ dest_directory

cat command: 

    The external cat command reads each file in the argument list and displays the data to the standard output.

General Format: cat [-] [-su] [-v] [-et] file_list

wall Command:

    The External wall command performs a write to all users currently logged onto the system.

General Format: $ wall

It is usually used by superusers to warn all users of immediate problems. the most command warning is that the system is being shut down within 60 seconds.

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